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Informacje o producencie
Informacje o producencieInformacje dotyczące produktu obejmują adres i powiązane dane producenta produktu.Games Workshop Ltd.Willow Road, LentonNottingham, Nottinghamshire,NG7 2WSUK
Osoba odpowiedzialna w UE
Osoba odpowiedzialna w UEPodmiot gospodarczy z siedzibą w UE zapewniający zgodność produktu z wymaganymi przepisami.Games Workshop Limited - Irish branchUnit 3. Lower Liffey StreetDublin 1,D01K199Ireland
Opis ze strony producenta:
This multipart plastic upgrade set allows you to customise your Space Marine models – including infantry, bikers, and vehicles – to give them even more Dark Angels flavour and personality. You'll find extra accessories, cosmetic details, characterful heads, and sculpted shoulder pads for a variety of armour types. It even includes upgrades unique to Deathwing Terminators, allowing you to give your Terminator Squad a plasma cannon and a Watcher in the Dark!
This upgrade set includes:
- 2x helmeted heads for models in Tacticus armour
- 2x hooded, helmeted heads for models in Tacticus armour
- 2x hooded, helmeted heads for Bladeguard Veterans
- 2x hooded heads
- 1x bare head
Shoulder Pads
- 6x shoulder pads for models in Tacticus armour, including 1x Sergeant's shoulder pad
- 5x shoulder pads for models in Gravis armour, including 1x Sergeant's shoulder pad
- 5x shoulder pads for models in Phobos armour
- 3x shoulder pads for Aggressors, including 1x Sergeant's shoulder pad
- 3x shoulder pads for Bladeguard Veterans
Infantry Accessories
- 5x relics and honours
- 1x backpack-mounted Chapter icon
- 1x tilting shield for models in Tacticus armour
- 1x Sergeant's power sword for models in Tacticus armour
Deathwing Terminator Upgrades
- 5x Terminator shoulder pads, including a variety of designs
- 2x decorated tassets
- 1x Sergeant's helmeted head
- 1x bare head
- 1x Sergeant's power sword
- 1x Sergeant's breastplate
- 1x tilting plate
- 1x ornamental dagger
- 1x storm bolter decoration
- 1x Watcher in the Dark, carrying a book
- 1x plasma cannon
Outriders and Vehicles
- 6x Ravenwing icons, including two different designs
- 3x Dark Angels icons, including two different designs
- 1x Ravenwing biker rear wing-fitting
- 1x book relic
Transfer Sheet
- 1x Dark Angels Transfer Sheet featuring 217 transfers for infantry and vehicles, including Chapter icons, campaign badges, gothic script, and symbols of rank
This upgrade set comprises 87 plastic components, and is designed to be assembled with a variety of other plastic Space Marine kits, which are sold separately. These components are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
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