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Model: 98-01-60
Waga produktu: 1.1 kg
EAN: 5011921900510
Wysyłka od: 12.89 PLN
Producent: Games Workshop

Citadel CATALOGUE 2008

Product details

    Paperback: 416 pages
    Publisher: Games Workshop (January 1, 2008)
    Language: English
    ISBN-10: 184154888X
    ISBN-13: 978-1841548883
    Product Dimensions: 10.8 x 0.7 x 7.9 inches
    Shipping Weight: 2.3 pounds


    Warhammer - Rulebook
    Warhammer - Mighty Empires
    Warhammer - Battle for Skull Pass
    Bretonnia - Battalion
    Bretonnia - Lords & Heroes
    Bretonnia - Core Units
    Bretonnia - Special Units
    Bretonnia - Rare Units
The Empire
    The Empire - Battalion
    The Empire - Army
    The Empire - Lord & Heroes
    The Empire - Core Units
    The Empire - Special Units
    The Empire - Rare Units
    Dwarfs - Battalion
    Dwarfs - Army
    Dwarfs - Lords & Heroes
    Dwarfs - Core Units
    Dwarfs - Special Units
    Dwarfs - Rare Units
High Elves
    High Elves - Battalion
    High Elves - Army
    High Elves - Lords & Heroes
    High Elves - Core Units
    High Elves - Special Units
    High Elves - Rare Units
Dark Elves
    Dark Elves - Lords & Heroes
    Dark Elves - Core Units
    Dark Elves - Special Units
    Dark Elves - Rare Units
Wood Elves
    Wood Elves - Battalion
    Wood Elves - Lords & Heroes
    Wood Elves - Core Units
    Wood Elves - Special Units
    Wood Elves - Rare Units
    Lizardmen - Battalion
    Lizardmen - Lords & Heroes
    Lizardmen - Core Units
    Lizardmen - Special Units
    Lizardmen - Rare Units
    Chaos - Lords & Heroes
    Chaos - Mortal Units
    Chaos - Daemonic Units
    Chaos - Beast Units
    Chaos - Special Units
    Chaos - Rare Units
Orcs & Goblins
    Orcs & Goblins - Battalion
    Orcs & Goblins - Army
    Orcs & Goblins - Lords & Heroes
    Orcs & Goblins - Core Units
    Orcs & Goblins - Special Units
    Orcs & Goblins - Rare Units
    Skaven - Battalion
    Skaven - Lords & Heroes
    Skaven - Core Units
    Skaven - Special Units
    Skaven - Rare Units
Vampire Counts
    Vampire Counts - Lords & Heroes
    Vampire Counts - Core Units
    Vampire Counts - Special Units
    Vampire Counts - Rare Units
Tomb Kings
    Tomb Kings - Battalion
    Tomb Kings - Lords & Heroes
    Tomb Kings - Core Units
    Tomb Kings - Special Units
    Tomb Kings - Rare Units
Ogre Kingdoms
    Ogre Kingdoms - Battalion
    Ogre Kingdoms - Lords & Heroes
    Ogre Kingdoms - Core Units
    Ogre Kingdoms - Special Units
    Ogre Kingdoms - Rare Units

Warhammer 40,000
    Warhammer 40,000 - Rulebook
    Warhammer 40,000 - Apocalypse
    Warhammer 40,000 - Battle for Macragge
Space Marines
    Space Marines - Battleforce
    Space Marines - Megaforce
    Space Marines - HQ
    Space Marines - Elites
    Space Marines - Troops
    Space Marines - Fast Attack
    Space Marines - Heavy Support
    Space Wolves
    Black Templars
    Blood Angels
    Dark Angels
Imperial Guard
    Imperial Guard - Cadian Battleforce
    Imperial Guard - Catachan Battleforce
    Imperial Guard - HQ
    Imperial Guard - Elites
    Imperial Guard - Troops
    Imperial Guard - Fast Attack
    Imperial Guard - Heavy Support
The Inquistion
    The Inquistion - HQ
    The Inquistion - Elites
    The Inquistion - Troops
    The Inquistion - Fast Attack
    The Inquistion - Heavy Support
Chaos Space Marines
    Chaos Space Marines - Battleforce
    Chaos Space Marines - HQ
    Chaos Space Marines - Elites
    Chaos Space Marines - Troops
    Chaos Space Marines - Fast Attack
    Chaos Space Marines - Heavy Support
    Chaos Space Marines - Daemons
    Eldar - Battleforce
    Eldar - HQ
    Eldar - Elites
    Eldar - Troops
    Eldar - Fast Attack
    Eldar - Heavy Support
    Orks - HQ
    Orks - Elites
    Orks - Troops
    Orks - Fast Attack
    Orks - Heavy Support
Tau Empire
    Tau Empire - Battleforce
    Tau Empire - Megaforce
    Tau Empire - HQ
    Tau Empire - Elites
    Tau Empire - Troops
    Tau Empire - Fast Attack
    Tau Empire - Heavy Support
    Tyranids - Battleforce
    Tyranids - HQ
    Tyranids - Elites / Troops
    Tyranids - Troops
    Tyranids - Fast Attack
    Tyranids - Heavy Support
    Necrons - Battleforce
    Necrons - HQ
    Necrons - Elites
    Necrons - Troops / Fast Attack
    Necrons - Heavy Support
Dark Eldar
    Dark Eldar - Battleforce
    Dark Eldar - HQ
    Dark Eldar - Elites
    Dark Eldar - Troops
    Dark Eldar - Fast Attack
    Dark Eldar - Heavy Support

Lord of the Rings
    Lord of the Rings - Rulebooks
    Lord of the Rings - Expansions
    Lord of the Rings - Mines of Moria
Lord of the Rings - Forces of Good
    Lord of the Rings - Minas Tirith Battlehost
    Lord of the Rings - The Free People
    Lord of the Rings - The Shire
    Lord of the Rings - Arnor
    Lord of the Rings - The Dwarf Holds
    Lord of the Rings - Rohan
    Lord of the Rings - Fangorn
    Lord of the Rings - Gondor
    Lord of the Rings - The Last Alliance
    Lord of the Rings - The Elven Realms
Lord of the Rings - Forces of Darkness
    Lord of the Rings - Isengard
    Lord of the Rings - Mordor
    Lord of the Rings - Moria
    Lord of the Rings - Khand
    Lord of the Rings - Easterlings
    Lord of the Rings - Arnor
    Lord of the Rings - Harad

Specialist Games
    Specialist Games - Warmaster
    Specialist Games - Blood Bowl
    Specialist Games - Battlefleet Gothic
    Specialist Games - Epic Armageddon
    Specialist Games - The Batttle of Five Armies
    Specialist Games - Mordheim
    Specialist Games - Inquisitor
    Specialist Games - Necromunda

Painting & Modelling
    Painting & Modelling - Books
    Painting & Modelling - Modelling Supplies
    Painting & Modelling - Cases
    Painting & Modelling - Dice
    Painting & Modelling - Scenery

The Collectors Range
Bitz Packs
White Dwarf
